Rounds & Drills
Risk Management
Work Orders


The central purpose of CRx is to keep your facility in compliance with all the standards and elements of performance of three Joint Commission chapters: Environment of Care, Life Safety & Emergency Management. We know that each of these chapters contains hundreds of standards that require special documentation and endless communication among personnel, so we have crafted a solution that will consolidate your records, remove inefficiencies that hinder seamless organizational processes, and reduce compliance-related cost. Most importantly, it will give you 24/7 peace of mind that your healthcare facility is safe for your employees and for those in need of your services.

CRx – America’s most comprehensive, patent pending, healthcare facility compliance system.

Ensuring ongoing compliance readiness with the facility-related Chapters of the Joint Commission: Life Safety, Environment of Care and Emergency Management and the recently added Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) module.

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Our Solution

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Environment of Care

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Life Safety

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Emergency Management

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CRx, which stands for Compliance Prescription, is a healthcare facility compliance software carefully designed to keep hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and outpatient facilities within Joint Commission regulations. CRx can integrate with any work order system and can push work order requests into your work order system when deficiencies are found during rounds, inspections, and construction projects. Our software’s compliance program contains a variety of modules and capabilities to accommodate your facility’s needs, including:

  • A dashboard listing Environment of Care, Life Safety, and Emergency Management elements of performance (EPs), and their associated compliance statuses, frequencies, inspection dates, and responsible staff members.
  • A patent-pending risk assessment algorithm that determines the need for ILSMs.
  • A digitized and interactive Risk Management Dashboard.
  • A work order tracking screen.
  • An inspection module that allows you to inspect by location, asset type, and/or route, and that optimizes the inspection process with its barcode scanning capability.
  • A rounds module containing customizable inspection points for readiness rounds and adhoc surveys, as well as a fire drill planning matrix, a fire watch portal, and a daily plant operations log.
  • An organized documentation system for reports, policies, and digital binders.
  • A construction module for the creation and organization of ICRA permits.
  • A repository for life safety, HVAC, medical gas, and plumbing system drawings.
  • Account configurations to help manage users, assets, vendors, and more..